We are proud to announce that version 2.3.0 of our Elavon VirtualMerchant/Converge module for WHMCS has been released. The biggest change in this release is 3DSecure 2.0 support for the non-token gateway (3DSecure 2.0 support for token gateway is planned for the next release in the next few weeks), in addition to improved handling of refunds (will now try voiding the transaction at Elavon first, and falling back to a return if the transaction was already settled).

As always, information on updating can be found in the updating article under Support > Knowledgebase > WHMCS Addons > Specific WHMCS Addons > Elavon Virtual Merchant Converge in our client area.

If you have any questions or require assistance with updating, please don't hesitate to contact us!

Tuesday, May 23, 2023

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