No. Provided that the domain is registered in your name (as it should be), you can simply update...
Do you allow adult content?Yes, we do allow adult sites on our servers but it must remain LEGAL content. If we find its not...
Do you offer any type of Anti Virus protection?Our servers have virus protection software installed and are updated frequently. Most commonly we...
Do you offer any type of money back guarantee?A 30 day money back guarantee is offered on all web hosting packages for new clients only. Please...
How to order a web hosting serviceTo order a hosting service, click on Hosting in the top menu on each page and select either...
My current host offers unlimited/unmetered bandwidth and spaceIt is not possible for a web host to offer 'unlimited' bandwidth or diskspace. Such hosting plans...
Step by Step to Changing HostsEvery webmaster cringes at the thought of moving hosts. Like moving your home it can be messy and...
Subdomain InformationCan I have a subdomain such as ""?Yes, you will be able to have your...
Using Coupon/Promotion CodesIf you have a coupon/promotion code and you wish to use it, you can do using by entering it into...
Will there be forced advertising on my site?Not at all. You are paying for webspace that is only yours - no one may put ads on your site...