Released Versions / Changelog

Released January 5th, 2025
- Updated One Time payment button URL to resolve a "Page Not Found" error caused by a recent change at PayPal.
- Updated migration function to delete unneeded records from the mod_paypalbilling database table (used by the MyWorks PayPal module), in order to help prevent potential issues if the migration function is ran again unexpectedly and 1 or more PayPal Billing Agreements previously imported from it have since been deleted.

Released October 8th, 2024
- Added support for PHP 8.2

Released September 21st, 2023
- Updated to handle payments held for review by PayPal. Invoices will be set to Payment Pending status and changed to Paid once PayPal releases the payment.

Released September 3rd, 2023
- Updated callback script to resolve "undefined function lcwsoftpaypalbillingagreements_getProductType" error.

Released August 31st, 2023
- Restored missing callback script from version 1.2.0 download (packaging error).

Released August 28th, 2023
- Improved display of the "Create PayPal Billing Agreement" button on Billing > Pay Methods page in the client area (now using the same styling as the credit card button does/would).
- Improved JS that handles injecting the "Create PayPal Billing Agreement" button on Billing > Pay Methods page in the client area - should now work better with third party templates that don't follow WHMCS standards.

Released February 10th, 2023
- Corrected potential account balance widget bug when a particular currency is more than 1000 dollars or contains nonstandard formatting.
- Replaced default button recommendations on new installations (new recommended buttons are mentioned in the settings descriptions for them as well).
- Clarified title of the homepage widget so that it's obvious that the data is the current PayPal account balance - not the transactions in WHMCS itself.

Released November 23rd, 2022
- Added support for PHP 8.1. Bundled files support PHP 7.2, 7.3, 7.4, and 8.1.

Released November 15th, 2022
- Added whmcs.json file required by WHMCS 8.6. Without it, payment gateways don't show up on the Apps & Integrations page.

Released October 21st, 2022
- Improved pay method creation when running WHMCS 7.10

Released October 20th, 2022
- Improved migration handling when running WHMCS 7.10

Released July 28th, 2022
- Improved migration handling (with more logging)

Released March 1st, 2022
- Added overlay that displays when processing a manual payment in the client area (new order or existing invoice) to alert customers that their payment is being processed.

Released February 12th, 2022
- Added JavaScript to disable payment buttons after being clicked to prevent duplicate payments being processed.

Released December 31st, 2021
- New feature: optional ability to create billing agreements via the Pay Methods page in the client area (without paying an invoice or placing an order)
- New feature: support for translating language strings displayed on the client area using custom language files and overrides in the /modules/gateways/lcwsoftpaypalbillingagreements/lang folder. english.php is shipped and used by default, and should be followed when creating custom languages (for example: french.php).

Released December 15th, 2021
- New feature: support for custom e-mail templates and a button to generate or restore them to their default content as needed.
- New feature: support for displaying the PayPal balance for all configured currencies in WHMCS. Requires WHMCS 8.2 or newer and will appear on the admin summary page for admins who are assigned to a role that has the "View Gateway Balances" permission enabled.
- New feature: support for redirecting to PayPal to create a billing agreement if the order is free (free items or $0.00 total). Useful when offering free trials that update to paid products.

Released December 2nd, 2021
- New feature: allow clients to make one time payments using the existing PayPal billing agreement even if "Allow One Time Payments without a Billing Agreement" is disabled. New optional settings "Allow One Time Payments using existing Billing Agreement" controls this.
- Added text to both one time payment options to describe whether an existing billing agreement will be used or not.

Released September 24th, 2021
- New feature: automatically cancel the PayPal Billing Agreement when deleting the Pay Method via the client or admin area
- Added the PayPal error code (not just the short error message) to the transaction history entry when an automatic payment attempt is declined by PayPal
- Improved error reporting when a core or helper file is missing unexpectedly

Released July 12th, 2021
- Reworked payment buttons code to resolve an issue with some third party customisations that could potentially result in double payments

Released March 8th, 2021
- Added support for changing the CSS used to display the payment buttons (re-saving gateway settings will be necessary after updating)
- Migrated billing agreements now set the description to "Migrated" so they can more easily identified later

Released January 27th, 2021
- Implemented functionality on the gateway settings page to migrate existing PayPal Billing Agreements from other third party modules
- Improved decoding of PayPal API response for the "Billing Agreement Charge Successful" gateway log entry

Released November 19th, 2020
- Implemented IPN support
- Implemented PaymentReversed gateway function, so that WHMCS can undo the payment if PayPal sends usable IPN data that we can use to confirm that a chargeback/dispute has occurred.
- Implemented Pay Method deletion if a client cancels their billing agreement at PayPal (requires IPN to be active at PayPal and only applies to billing agreements created after updating)
- Bug fix: removed the optional Invoice ID from the RefundTransaction API call during refunds, otherwise PayPal could return a duplicate invoice ID when trying to refund a transaction. This should allow multiple installations to share 1 PayPal account and process refunds without issue.
- Added support for specifying the logo using on PayPal checkout pages
- Added version number to configuration section for easier verification.

Released November 2nd, 2020
- Fixed a potential blank page on returning to WHMCS if the payment request was rejected by PayPal unexpectedly after the Billing Agreement was created.

Released October 15th, 2020
- Minor bug fixes and quality of life improvements

Released October 5th, 2020
- Minor bug fixes and quality of life improvements

Released September 14th, 2020
- Initial release

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